Peace remains one of humanity’s most sought-after realities. All around the world, people continue to struggle to maintain peace in their families, communities, and nations. Often, nations live in constant conflict in search of peace, believing that once they defeat their enemies, they will have lasting peace.
What Is Peace?
We submit that peace is love. Peace is the vibration of love manifested into light. It is the heart vibrations of goodwill, empathy, and kindness at the higher spectrum of light we call reality.
Only love and its vibrations can manifest into the reality of peace. This is because love is the actual frequency of peace: a divine vibration that propels life, cosmic harmony, spiritual unity, order, happiness, and cooperation. There are no political or military solutions that can materialize a reality of peace. Peace requires the creation of a shared reality based on love with our adversaries. Peace is not a state of existence that lies outside of our being; it is a vibration of our souls and consciousness.
Like love, peace is an agreement of the heart, a harmonic coherence of heart forces between two or more parties. The parties have to reach an emotional agreement based on the energy of love; an agreement beyond the superficial meaning of words that goes to the very core of the human essence—the soul—to form spiritual harmony, which is the true agreement. Thus, peace is not an agreement of words, but an agreement of soul nature. Words without the heart forces of emotion are empty local energies. They do not resonate with the soul’s sphere of reality. Thus, true peace can only be maintained as long as the parties maintain a harmony based on goodwill and other love-related energies.
Music and the Vibrations of Peace
In essence, peace involves the creation of a soul-level reality, sustained by positive heart energies between the parties. This process of creating and sustaining a higher harmonic reality is best suited to the medium of music, since music utilizes the very thread of matter itself to raise the emotional state of the parties to new levels of harmonic symmetry. Music is the only energy that can elevate our emotions from the local level of lower frequency to a higher state of spiritual harmony, balance, and cosmic coherence without a single word being spoken. As a medium of reality, music produces instant unity of emotional, mental, and soulful vibration. It synchronizes the frequencies of our minds to the rhythmic pulse of the entire universe while it harmonizes our heart vibrations at the spiritual levels of the soul. The harmonic energies released by music are automatically decoded by the heart and the soul and broadcast all the way into the cosmos—the space where reality is formed. Once cognized and given emotional or soul energy, the vibrations created by music become unified reality-bound energies destined for manifestation as they reach the light spectrum. These emotional energies are the subtle vibrations that entrain the soul into agreement and serve as the light of peace into the manifested world we call reality. This makes peace a state of cosmic agreement, extended into lower frequency realities via soul vibrations.
Every moment of our lives is nothing more than the manifestation of vibrations—thoughts, emotions, and deeds. We live in a space made of frequencies—a space that is constantly being recreated by the very energy we emit into nature. This reality can be harmonious or inharmonious, depending on the elemental frequencies that make up or condition the space.
To achieve peace, we must harmonize love and goodwill toward one another so our combined energies can be manifested into the physical reality of peace we desire. The spectrum quality of light we call peace can only be created if we encode our thoughts, emotions, and deeds—the vibrations of human reality—with love and goodwill. This encoding process is best achieved through the harmonized energy of music—an elemental particle of reality.
In this regards, music is an energy moving toward manifestation into light via the human soul and consciousness, a sonic energy possessing both emotion and soul frequencies.
As such, music is a medium that conditions time and space for the existence of a new reality that can be shared and experienced between people. It has the capacity to remove barriers to peace and unity by entraining us away from our egos and into higher soul coherence, allowing us to experience love and harmony with others, prior to reducing our relationship to words and written agreements. Entire nations can be harmonized into this level of love coherence without ever noticing their dispositions.
As musicians, we play an important role in shaping the vibrational/emotional energy of every society by way of our music.
The energy we release through music helps to shape the very consciousness and the resulting human reality. As an elemental frequency of reality, sound, especially when it is organized in the form of music, plays a critical role in the entrainment of human consciousness toward different qualities of reality. Thus, the most effective way to materialize peace in our world is to encode the vibrations of love, kindness, goodwill, unity, harmony, and other positive emotions into our music. Peace will automatically manifest in our lives as a result of holding these boundless love energies within our hearts. Every fiber of our being can be entrained to vibrate the energy of love. After all, we are love-manifested beings.
By: João Mendes and Ramiro Mendes