If you are striving to lose or maintain your weight, you aren’t alone. In a survey conducted by the “Food & Health Community,” 70% Of Americans say they are concerned about their weight situation. And an incredible 77 % is attempting to drop or control their weight. Nevertheless, if you want to lose weight fast, the hardboiled egg diet might be just the thing for you. This hardboiled egg diet will show surprising results within 14 days if you continue with it.
Hardboiled Egg Diet
The hardboiled egg diet is similar to the Atkins diet with some variation. The Atkins diet allows endless amounts of fats (fats found in fish such as in salmon and sardines, flaxseed, and nuts; walnuts, almonds, pecans, macadamia nuts). And animal protein but no carbohydrates (bread, grains, potatoes, pasta, etc.).
The hardboiled egg diet excludes most of the meat and substitutes it with eggs, fruit, and the occasional chicken and fish.
The hardboiled egg diet is a low-carbohydrate, low-calorie, but protein-heavy diet. Foods high in carbohydrates, such as slices of bread, grains, potatoes, and plates of pasta, are excluded from the menu.
Moreover, this diet will only last 14 days, and you exclusively eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The ease and versatility of the hardboiled egg help make it a healthy addition to a weight-loss diet.
Eggs make a functional protein option at breakfast with fruit. Eggs also create a convenient and satisfying meal anytime during the day.
Hardboiled Egg Diet Rules
To avoid falling off the plan. Buy plenty cartons of eggs as well as enough grapefruits, oranges, apples, bananas, peaches, pears, and grapes equally.
You will also need garden salads, mixed vegetables, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, low-fat cheese, chicken, and fish. (Don’t worry if you don’t eat fish you can always substitute it with lamb).
Although it consists of only a few low-cost foods, the above ingredients are more than enough to increase your metabolism to help burn fat fast.
Plus, if you adhere to healthy eating once the diet has completed, you won’t regain any weight you’ve lost.
This hardboiled egg diet will fantastically help you lose up to 20 lbs (8 kilos) in two weeks.
While on this diet it is essential to drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated. As many as six to eight glasses of water a day. This water will equally help flush out toxins from your body.
At the same time attempt to get a half hour of exercise every day for the best results. For instance, you could go running one day and alternate the following day with a lightweight workout using 3-5 lb Weights.
Equally important, adhere to these other rules; No Junk Food, No Sugary Drinks or Alcohol and curb your intake of Salt and Sugar.
Ideally, you should have your eggs, garden salads, mixed vegetables, sweet potatoes together with the chicken prepared in advance. That way you won’t bother with preparation time. As for healthy salad dressing combine and mix well three parts olive oil with one part lemon juice.
Nowhere is the menu for the Two-Week Diet.
Week 0ne
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit.
Lunch: An oven-baked sweet potato, and two apples
Dinner: Large garden salad and chicken breast
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
Lunch: Steamed mixed vegetables (full plate) (e.g., carrots, broccoli, green beans, mushrooms, etc.), and chicken salad
Dinner: Large garden salad, one citrus fruit, and two hard-boiled eggs
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
Lunch: Piece of low-fat cheese, one tomato, and half sweet potato
Dinner: Large garden salad, and chicken breast
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
Lunch: Two apples
Dinner: Large garden salad, and generous cuts of steamed chicken
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
Lunch: Large serving of cooked mixed vegetables (e.g., carrots, broccoli, green beans, mushrooms, etc.), and two hard-boiled eggs
Dinner: Large garden salad and grilled fish (e.g., Salmon, Cod, Trout or Tuna steak)
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
Lunch: Fruit (e.g., apple, grapes, pears, etc.)
Dinner: Four thick slices of chicken and steamed mixed vegetables
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
Lunch: Garden salad, cooked mixed vegetables, and broiled chicken breast
Dinner: large serving steamed mixed vegetables
Have you lasted the first week of the diet? Well-wishings! You’re on your way!
Nowhere is the menu for Week Two.
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
Lunch: Large Garden Salad and chicken breast
Dinner: One orange, garden salad, and two eggs
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
Lunch: Two Eggs, and a large serving of steamed mixed vegetables
Dinner: Large garden salad and grilled fish (Tuna, Cod, or Salmon)
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
Lunch: Large Garden Salad and four slices chicken
Dinner: One orange, large vegetable salad, and two eggs
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
Lunch: Steamed mixed vegetables, Low-fat cheese, and two boiled eggs
Dinner: Large garden salad and chicken
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
Lunch: Sardines (canned sardines) and green tossed salad
Dinner: Large garden salad and two boiled eggs
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
lunch: Large garden salad and chicken
Dinner: Eat fruit (e.g., apples, pears, grapes, peaches, etc.)
Breakfast: Two hard-boiled eggs, and citrus fruit
Lunch: Steamed mixed vegetables and chicken
Dinner: Steamed mixed vegetables and chicken (same as lunch)
Finally, congratulations! And welcome to the new you!
Did you see how honest the diet is? This menu has almost no carbohydrates (no Bread, no grains, no potatoes, no kinds of pasta). That is one of the reasons why it works.
The diet works most by starving the body of fat fuel. Carbohydrates usually are converted to a pure sugar called glucose. Excess glucose then is stored as fat.
Reducing carbohydrates means your body needs to draw on saved fat for energy, which leads to weight loss.
Nonetheless, you should always consult with a medical provider before taking on this diet or any other diet for that matter.
To Sum Up
All in all, the only concern here is your willingness to carry out these steps and achieve the body figure that you desire. For now, what you need to do is to accept and love yourself for what you are.
P.S. If you’re allergic or don’t like eggs review this low carbohydrate diet.