We all feel like our body might take forever to get back to normal but in reality it is your relationships that might take an irreversible turn. Before plunging into the opposite poles, you can keep your relation alive with these simple steps.
While you are expecting your little one, talk to each other and create a pre-set plan as to how you can compensate the lack of time and energy post-partum. It can be bathing your baby together, or feeding him/her. The time spent together will enhance the boding between you and your spouse as well as your child.
There is nothing that can substitute healthy communication. Even while you are busy with the baby or dead tired, try to involve your spouse in simple talks about their office, or favourite sport or current affairs, so to speak.
Meal Time
“The family that eats together, prays together, stays together.” Make sure that you have meals together at least once a day. Having food on time can be a rarity, more so if you are taking care of your child singlehandedly. Nevertheless, you can work out something. You can ask your spouse to feed you or vice versa, if the baby is cranky during your mealtime.
Touch Therapy
Caress your spouse’s back, nape or scalp while sitting together. The magic that works with these simple gestures can be unbelievable. Don’t hesitate to tell them that you love them, with a little peck on their lips.
The abovementioned tips won’t work if you don’t have an understanding about each other. Both husband and wife should involve themselves wholeheartedly in preserving the freshness in their relation.
With a little effort you can keep your relationship fresh and live even after the travail.