Broken hearted girls become women warriors who change the world

Broken hearted girls become women warriors who change the world

When I found myself in a relationship with a sociopath, I was lost. I was heartbroken. Yet, I didn’t quit. I emerged as a strong warrior.
It started so seemingly normal and beautiful, but gradually the heat turned up, leaving you alone in the struggle to maintain what you once had — and still cherished.
I slowly accepted that some people truly have no conscience. If you have been in denial, it’s time to recognize you are being abused and violated and stop making excuses or accepting excuses for consistently bad behaviours.
I followed my instincts and intuition instead of the implied role he has taken on. Sociopaths are excellent communicators, yet I didn’t believe him.
I used to think over and over again. Use peoples’ perspectives. Understand his first offense of the way he looks at the claims, responsibilities, and promises made or implied. Do not sweep them under the rug. Was it a simple mistake or recklessness? Search for his attitude of neglecting responsibility. Also consider if you are placing­­­­ yourself in physical, emotional, or financial risk. What is your personal cost to staying in this relationship? In the final strike, I cut my losses!
Don’t trust easily. Be suspicious of those who don’t want you to question them and do question authority.
Don’t confuse fear with respect. Know what respect means to you and remind yourself how you want to be treated. I stopped living in isolation. Sociopaths seek those who are isolated, insecure, and vulnerable. Be part of a caring community. I enlisted support from my family and friends. I started to document. I took notes to prove that the relationship is away from normal.
I eventually recognized the “Pity Play”, which is his weapon of choice to hook into my sentiments and compassion. Genuine remorse or repentance is introspective; the individual wants to pay restitution and is willing to be held accountable. Don’t be so quick to give your time, money, home, car, or care. Make sure he isn’t putting you through a cycle of abuse, which includes a period of romance and good behaviour before he acts out again. Trust me, this happens so often leaving you lost and wounded.
He always forced me to help him conceal his true character. He will tell you not to tell anyone but don’t keep his secrets.
If you or a loved one has been in a relationship with a sociopath or a toxic individual, most likely you have experienced a loss of trust, a loss of sense of security and your self-worth. I have shared this story to help you all to release the negative emotions lodged by this traumatic encounter and help you to embrace joy, peace, trust and intimacy.

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